⋆ 3 brands with exceptional customer service ⋆ American Business

With social media and communication channels at our fingertips, and fast and easy overtaking online shopping, when shopping in stores, businesses are updating outdated tactics to maintain customer loyalty and find a new audience. Much can be learned about exceptional customer service from industry titans who adapt to this culture and thrive. These three companies’ tactics may work for small businesses keen on improving service through positive change.

Personalization Pro: Ritz Carlton

Service quality standards and customer expectations change as consumption trends change. Small businesses can take notes in the hospitality industry as a whole – it is based on a personalized approach to the client for maximum comfort. Room service. Chocolate on the pillow. Meeting guests by name during check-in. These details are significant and have their roots in a corporate culture that emphasizes personalized service.

The Ritz Carlton incorporates personalized service into its learning DNA, with a focus on building rapport with guests and making the extra effort to stay comfortable. Personalization is about not only meeting customer needs, but also making customers feel special. The main thing is that clients are not transactions.

Convenience Pro: Amazon

Known for its wide variety of products – from clothing and gadgets to household items and food – Amazon ranks # 1 for convenient shopping. In addition to its extensive online catalog, Amazon proudly offers subscription services, auto-renewals, online streaming, and of course, free two-day shipping for most Amazon Prime memberships.

But with every business there are problems. can arise with any aspect of the customer experience. The product may be out of stock. Maybe the item didn’t arrive on time. Whatever the problem, Amazon takes quick action. With a convenient help center available on their website 24/7, customers can report their concerns, and an Amazon representative will suggest solutions such as expedited delivery of a replacement item and remedies such as savings vouchers for future purchases.

Amazon’s success is built not only on making purchases convenient, but also on generosity and courtesy to get customers to come back for you too.

Community Engagement Pro: Wendy’s

True communication with your customers in the age of social media can be overwhelming. There are so many distractions between platforms, and it seems like all companies, including your competitors, are on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. For businesses, especially small businesses, it is vital to carve out space and give new meaning to the fight.

Take Wendy, for example, this fast food chain known for its indelible burgers has made a big splash on the Twitterverse with its witty customer interactions. They are also known in some way for “roasting” their McDonald’s fast food colleagues. Using the tools provided by these social media platforms, Wendy created direct channels of communication with her audience and gained attention by trying out a new personalized persona. The social strategy of this company is proof that experimentation can lead to great customer-business interactions.

Change isn’t always a bad thing. Businesses can perceive change as an opportunity to innovate and open up new opportunities for customer interactions.

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