⋆ Why Medical Surplus Matters ⋆ American Business

It is clear how a shortage of medicines can affect any hospital. From a lack of antibiotics to treat patients, to a lack of lead aprons to protect against radiation, a shortage of essential products and equipment will always be devastating.

But could the opposite be true? While the idea of ​​medical surplus may seem positive at first glance, it can also cause significant problems. The sad truth is that surplus medical services result in US hospitals spending an estimated $ 765 billion annually on equipment used. This is a shocking number, and understanding why this is happening is the key to solving the problem.

Causes of medical waste

Medical waste is a big problem for two important reasons. The first, of course, is that when usable consumables are thrown away, it deprives the potential patient of access to these perfectly good materials. A second major impact of medical waste is that it increases operating costs as medical centers continually order more supplies and equipment. In an era where healthcare is becoming more and more expensive, this is a major concern.

There are several reasons why so much is spent on a regular basis. Operating room is a big culprit. It is estimated that roughly two tons of supplies are lost every day after surgeries. Researchers conducting this study reported that nearly $ 1,000 for medical supplies were opened and thrown away without being used in each procedure. Sponges, towels and gloves are the most commonly discarded items, but more expensive items such as screws are also thrown away. The gist of this is that once a product is opened it is “contaminated” and not usable in any other procedure. However, simply being more conservative with supplies can help cut down on this waste significantly.

Another big culprit in this waste is constant equipment upgrades. As soon as new models enter the industry, the old models too often, even if they still perform perfectly, are thrown away in favor of the new ones. In addition to the fact that consumables are thrown away after being in the operating room, the same applies to any consumables that enter the patient’s room, even if they have not been opened. Even if the hospital changes suppliers, it can lead to the abandonment of supplies from the previous supplier due to the contamination protocol. There are simply too many ways to waste valuable equipment.

Potential solutions

Hospitals have several recommended steps to help reduce waste. Nurses and surgeons should communicate which materials the surgeon prefers so that only the right ones are brought into the operating room first. A feedback system in departments can also be helpful so that each department can track the use of their supplies versus their peers.

Perhaps the best and most realistic solution, however, is for surplus medical supplies to be donated to those in need. Elizabeth McLellan, founder of the nonprofit Partnership for Health in the World, has led only this for the past 11 years. Her organization collects surplus supplies and sends them to those in need around the world. They play a role in providing health care as well as overseeing medical training in developing countries. They are currently participating in the so-called Project 10,000, which is dedicated to the provision of kits for safe, sterile delivery and newborn care.

Of course, it is not necessary for a large organization to make the difference. Even humans can have a big impact on this problem. Surplus medicines from home can be donated to those in need and are equally valued. Healthcare providers can also donate usable materials from damaged containers that would otherwise be discarded. Losing surplus medical equipment is a serious problem, but any of us who wish can help.

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