12 Tips for Hiring the Right Personnel for Your Company

More than you can imagine, your collaborators have a lot to do with the success of your company. They have the power to lead you to success or failure.

Today I share 12 tips to hire the right staff for your company.
First of all, I must clarify that these tips are aimed at entrepreneurs they don’t have the budget to hire a human resource recruitment company to do the work for them.

Of course, if you are able to do so, then what better than delegating to someone professional, this important but often laborious task.

And it is that obtaining personnel is not easy, and obtaining qualified personnel, with excellent attitude and trust is something even more difficult.

“Therefore, entrepreneurs must know that the first rule when hiring staff is not to be tempted to do it in a hurry.”

  1. Create a job profile. It is important that in your selection process you are very clear about what you are looking for in a person, for this, take 30 minutes to create a profile that clearly describes: the functions of the position, its attributions, limitations, technical requirements of the person and any other relevant aspect to consider.
  2. Define the salary conditions. The salary to be paid and the conditions of employment should not be set lightly. This is a very common error especially in Small business where a poorly defined hiring can have repercussions in budgetary or even legal problems. So before starting your selection process, make sure you carefully evaluate how much you can really pay and under what conditions so that everything is clear from the beginning, both for yourself and for the employee.
  3. Advertise by different means the job opportunities you offer. After completing the steps above, make sure you have enough candidates to choose the right person. To do this, start by publicizing the place you offer by different means. You can make orders with friends, acquaintances or make publications for free Internet services. And if necessary and you have a budget for it, publish your job opportunity in a local newspaper. This way you will have different options to evaluate and choose.
  4. Request that they send you their resumes in advance. Depending on the type of position you offer and the urgency you have to hire, ask people to appear for an interview with their resume or to send it previously by conventional mail or email. If possible, the second option is more recommended because it gives you the opportunity to read and evaluate the applicants for the position in greater detail.
  5. Filter your possible candidates. Once you have several stakeholders in the position, the next step is to filter them according to your priorities. My suggestion is that you establish within your priorities what interests you the most and these are some suggestions: your values, confidence, ability, attitude, academic preparation, experience. For example, if experience is one of your main requirements, then first choose candidates who have the minimum required experience. Attitude and confidence should also play a role, and you shouldn’t consider prospects who have a bad reputation or who have reported attitude problems at previous jobs.
  6. Interview them. The next obligatory step is a personal interview. This interview is essential because in it you will be able to meet the person and have a very important “first impression“. The interview must have a clear objective and it is to observe the behavior of the person: how he expresses himself, how he arrives dressed, how he behaves and in general you will be able to evaluate aspects such as: his punctuality, formality and desire to work. The questions you ask They must allow the person to speak, express themselves and meanwhile you observe.In general, the interview involves a large dose of perception and intuition and in it you will be able to determine if it is really that person who complements your work team.
  7. Evaluate your body posture. People tend to express 20% with words and 80% with our gestures. During an interview it is essential to learn to interpret some basic signs such as the look, the way you sit, the way you speak and even the way to accommodate the arms. Usually a person who does not look you directly in the eyes is reflecting shyness, insecurity or it could even be that he is not telling you the truth. Try to see beyond what they may be saying verbally during the interview.
  8. Be clear on working conditions. If you perceive the person as a good candidate then you can proceed to talk about the working conditions and salary. These should be in accordance with what is established in steps 1 and 2 and do not necessarily represent that you are making a contract. The objective is that they know what you offer and what you expect from them to know if their interest in the square is genuine. This step is very important in order to avoid later misunderstandings and above all so that you can be sure that the person understands and accepts the work conditions.
  9. Take the necessary practical tests. Depending on the type of work to be carried out, in many cases it is essential to carry out practical tests. These, while requiring time and resources, are important to ensure that the person has the knowledge and skills that they claim to have. For example, if you evaluate a driver, make sure you do a good test drive. If you are a machine operator anyway, you will need to show that you know the equipment and can operate it. These tests should only be performed on candidates you are seriously considering to hire.
  10. Research their references. As one of the final but no less important steps is the evaluation of your personal and work references. Any interested person must present personal references and previous work that can be contacted. Calling your contacts and requesting a referral from the person can reveal important information and even help you get a better picture of the candidate in question.
  11. Analyze each case and make a decision. Finally, once all the steps have been completed and potential candidates selected, analyze your options and make a hiring decision. If you’ve taken all of the suggested considerations, this step should be relatively easy. Of course, if you still haven’t found the ideal candidates, it is better to carry out a new hiring process than to choose someone who is not fully qualified for the position.
  12. Try a quick and practical process. You must take into account that the recruitment processes today cannot be too extensive. This for two reasons: the first is that people are in great need of work and are not willing to wait that long to be hired, and second because good prospects are always hired quickly. Hence, if you are not careful to quickly quote, interview, evaluate and hire, then someone else will. My recommendation is that a hiring process should take no more than ten days to guarantee the best results.

In conclusion, remember that although the process of selection and hiring of personnel is carried out with great care, in order for the hired collaborator to perform adequately, it is necessary that there be subsequent stages of training, adaptation and equally effective supervision.

As we have always said, the success of a small business it is the result of doing many small tasks effectively. Now you can also follow 1000 Business Ideas on Facebook. We will wait for you!

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