5 Ideal Businesses for Enterprising Moms

With so many ideas to undertake, today we present an excerpt of at least 5 great ideas for moms looking to earn money without leaving home.

For many mothers who have young children, caring for them and watching them grow is something that is only enjoyed once in a lifetime. So far from their children being an impediment, they become the main source of energy and motivation to undertake something on their own.

There are many business ideas that can be done part-time and that will allow you to share that valuable time with those little ones who are lighting up your life today.

5 Business Ideas for Enterprising Moms

  1. Manufacture of candles. In case you didn’t know, the business of manufacturing and selling decorative candles is quite lucrative. It is estimated that in the United States, this product surpasses 2 billion dollars in sales, especially because decorative candles are a kind of indispensable product in many homes and because in many cases, it is the perfect gift for any occasion.

    Although the manufacturing itself is a long and sometimes complicated process, many people focus the business on acquiring ready-made candles and decorating them by adding a special touch with accessories and attractive wrapping.

  2. Antiques collector and resale. This business may seem more like a hobby as it consists of acquiring antiques that you can resell for a good price.

    Part of the activity consists of making some adjustments and improvements that add value and therefore allow a better sale price. As you search, you can increase your inventory and eventually open a very assorted store of relics and antiques that will be sold for very good prices.

  3. Crafts. Crafts can make a great product for second-hand gifts. If this is one of your hobbies or favorite pastimes, then turn it into an interesting and lucrative business. Manufacture of stuffed animals, crafts, ornaments, flower arrangements or the like can be just part of your product inventory.
  4. Children’s party planner. Many parents like to hold children’s parties with a special theme such as: spongebob, spider man, the incredibles or any other and you could perfectly organize the party and make sure you have all the necessary decoration for the celebration to enjoy it to the fullest.

    Your assets could include some costumed characters to add a special touch to the guests.

  5. Sewing and tailoring. If your skills include tailoring as it is commonly known, you may be able to exploit your designer skills by offering garment making services or repairs that are always needed.

    It is enough that you dedicate a few hours to attend the orders and carry them out as seriously as possible so that you can soon be recommended by your neighbors.


In this post, I have presented you with some basic ideas so that you can continue enjoying this wonderful stage of your life: being a mother and an entrepreneur. Of course there are many additional ideas that you could turn into small, lucrative businesses that complement the family budget.

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