A Motivating Phrase (To Print And Hang In The Office)

“The successful person has a habit of doing things that failures don’t like to do. You don’t necessarily like to do them. But their disgust is subordinate to the force of their intentions. – EM Gray

[post actualizado recientemente]

I remember reading this phrase for the first time some years ago when I studied the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and it tremendously impacted my life because it suggests one of the most important paradigms of success: the difference between doing what I want and doing what I must.

And it is that there is a huge difference between what ordinary people do and extraordinary people and it has to do with their habits, because the successful person is willing to:

  • Work at times and days when others are resting
  • Have an open mind to new businesses
  • Consider new opportunities when others say it “doesn’t work”
  • Sell ​​products that no one else would sell
  • To read lots of books while others watch TV
  • To go to training seminars while others go to the movies
  • To visit one more client while the others have already gone home
  • To make one more call when everyone has given up
  • Postpone the reward today to enjoy it tomorrow
  • To work as a team and believe in others
  • Make contacts with people who have a higher economic level than them

And to summarize this principle in the best way, I will do it with a phrase from Robert Kiyosaki: “watch what everyone is doing and go the other way“.

Let me know if this phrase has motivated you and if you have put it in your office.

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