Be a social entrepreneur and transform your world

In this blog we believe in ideas, in creativity and we believe in the power of ingenuity and creativity. smart work.

But beyond just do business and earn moneyWe believe that an entrepreneur is a person whose energy, talents and ideas are a contribution to the society that surrounds him.

Today we will talk about how to be a social entrepreneur and transform your world!

What is a social entrepreneur ?
There are many definitions, however trying to clearly summarize what a social entrepreneur is, we will say that the main difference is that their business projects are especially focused on contributing solutions and improvements to society.

The social entrepreneurs They stand out because they have a vision that goes beyond just doing business to supply their own dreams and needs. They are individuals who, rather than pursuing economic benefits, are constantly seeking to bring improvements to their communities and thus contribute to the development of their cities.

Its main motivation is to participate in profound and significant changes in society and one of its characteristics is that they never rest until they see that their companies or organizations contribute to a better world.

The needs of your community can be endless and some very difficult to solve, however, as there are more social entrepreneurs with a humanitarian sense Get involved and put your ideas to work, then we will have a better planet to live on.

If you are interested in being a social entrepreneur, here are a few ideas you can start exploring to transform your world:

In addition to these general ideas, you will surely find in your community an endless number of needs and alternatives that can be supplied with creative and innovative business models. And if your proposal is a serious and sustainable project, there are organizations like ASHOKA that non-profit organizations work in more than 60 countries to finance and support social entrepreneur initiatives committed to their communities.

In a single word, social entrepreneurs are exceptional people with great ideas who, in addition to making money, help us all to live better!

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