How to Export Your Products Abroad

The vast majority of Latin American countries have minerals and traditional products as their main source of income.

However, in recent years, thanks to the growth of China and the Asian countries, there has been an increase in the export of non-traditional products, basically agricultural.

These are some recommendations to export our products abroad.

What products to export?

First of all it is necessary focus on the business and discover what our possibilities are, the main and initial step before exporting is to determine the product. If you already have a product, it may be necessary for you to find out about substitute products or similar to yours, it is always good to have alternatives.

Continuing with the explanation, let us remember that thanks to the growth of Asian countries, one of the main export products was agroindustrial products, this is agricultural products for consumption that have previously gone through an industrial stage in which the presentation and the quality of natural product.

Thus we have that one of our main alternatives to export are agroindustrial products, in countries like Peru for example whose economy is based basically on the exploitation of its mineral resources, after the signing of several FTAs, the export of products such as chili has increased. paprica, asparagus, fruits, among others; These products have passed a stage in which the quality has been improved so that they can be preserved and exported.

Garments are another alternative, although depending on the market we are targeting, for example the United States, Canada and Europe can be a destination for quality clothing, although it is a difficult market due to the predominance of China, although it is not impossible to stand out. thanks to our products and their good quality.

To conclude with this point, the main factor to determine a product is doing a preliminary investigation of the foreign market where we are aiming and trying to find an unexploited niche that is at the same time a profitable business for us.

On the Internet we find infinite sources of information that can facilitate our research work.

The markets

This point is very important since it is necessary to know our destination market before starting to export. Let’s start first by focusing on the countries with which our nation has Free Trade Agreements.

Analyzing our destination market includes not only looking at legal and tariff issues but also analyzing the potential buyer, the country’s purchasing culture, internal competition, external competition and various factors that added together will give us a clear picture to invest with foundation.

A market analysis is essential before starting to export as a precaution so that our investment is not lost.

Legal Issues

All business activity that we do must be within the law, many times we neglect these aspects despite their crucial importance in business.

First of all, our company must be legally constituted in our country, after that, let’s focus on hiring a legal advisor to manage the issue of contracts, because in this case it is about export business, compliance with the agreement between the parts is a key point.

On the other hand, going towards the governmental part in most countries is greatly supporting the small companies, providing them with records of exporting companies by country which gives them much greater support.

There are also state agencies that help in business formalization and informing everything necessary before starting to export, we must investigate well all the entities that promote business creation and export to see what benefits they can give us and what help we can obtain.

Finally, let’s not forget that paying taxes is necessary and essential, pay your taxes on time and avoid having problems with your company in the future.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Exporting

Like any business, there are advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of exporting products abroad is undoubtedly that opening up to an international market means expanding the arrival of our company and focusing on much larger markets, which will allow the exponential growth of our business, targeting the internal and external market will make our company a global business.

Among the disadvantages we have that if the acceptance of our product is bad or if we have made a bad study of our target market, unfortunately the business will not go well and will fail.

Much depends on our previous work to achieve success. On the other hand, both legal and tariff regulatory policies are issues to take into account and that may represent some disadvantage during the establishment of our business.

Budget and Necessary Personnel

Depending on the product that we want to export, the budget will vary as well as the necessary personnel, it is always convenient to make previous calculations to try to lower costs.

A MYPE company starts with ten workers, something that we believe is enough to start a small agro-export company. It is important to target early producers to help them develop, and make them feel engaged.


To export products abroad we must take into account the following aspects:

  1. Define our product to export.
  2. Research the target market.
  3. Study the own legal framework and the country we are targeting.
  4. Take into account the tariff rates.
  5. Affiliate ourselves with an export promotion body that helps Small Businesses.

Remember that the success of any company depends on the work that the team does together and the direction of its manager.

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