Launch of Anabanana a 100% Guatemalan Healthy Entrepreneurship

Anabanana is a startup that launches its first digital campaign in order to encourage Guatemalans to reinvent what, for years, has been considered a fashion and to bet on the creation of more conscious fashions.

This campaign is available on their social networks (Facebook and Instagram) where they are found as @

During the publication of your campaign, followers will be able to observe messages that invite you to give love outward and inward, as described by the three partners of the company.

The campaign will last 14 days and is launched in September as a gift from the company to their country and to all Guatemalans who believe in their concept.

What is Anabanana?

“For us, anabanana is a lifestyle… eating healthy, thinking more eco, consuming local, exercising, finding balance and respecting others (humans, animals and the environment) is a way of giving love to ourselves and giving love towards outside. We believe that if we spread love around the world, wonderful changes will come ”, mentioned Ana Gabriela Pérez Mansilla, partner of anabanana.

Each message of the campaign is accompanied by a chapín that today already lives and promotes the message that was placed in the photograph.

“We wanted the photos to be real and consistent. We looked for and made alliances with customers of our store who we know already promote the message and who want to be part of these proposals.

For this reason, in each photograph you will see a special touch of genuineness ”added Valeria González, also a partner of the company.

Anabanana Tienda Saludable has products aligned with the campaign’s messages.

Among its products, it offers: healthy foods, superfoods in powder and capsules, probiotics, vegetable meats, infusions, artisan personal hygiene items with natural ingredients, ecological alternatives and a wide line of bulk cleaning products to avoid the plastic of a only use.

“Our goal is to offer bananistas (as we call our community) more conscientious consumption options,” concluded Heydrich Castillo, partner at anabanana.

“Let anabanana become fashionable”

If you want to know more about them, here are their commercial data:

  • Facebook e Instagram:
  • Online store: .
  • Store phone: 50320841
  • Hashtag: #quesepongademoda
  • Store located inside the Botanik Nursery in zone 11
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