“Make Money With Surveys” Fraud or Reality? We Reveal All the Truth

Many of us have dreamed of the possibility of being able to carry out an activity to earn money from home, something that can be done part-time and that allows us to generate those extra income that we need so much.

And when we are in that search, the phrase “earn money with surveys“It is usually one of the most tempting due to the fact that it represents an apparently easy and simple activity that almost anyone in the world with just knowing how to read and having an Internet connection could do.

It seems to be the ideal option, however there are some things you need to know before considering a “business opportunity” like these that far from being a true mechanism to generate income could be a terrible trap if you do not have legitimate and honest information.

In 1000 Business Ideas we reveal the whole truth to you.

Stalking Cyber ​​Crooks

The first thing you have to know is that the Internet, as it is a wonderful tool and in which we can truly find many real opportunities, is also infested with malicious people whose sole objective is to take advantage of those who tend to have less knowledge.

Cyber ​​scammers stalk the network and that is why you will see everywhere many proposals for “earn easy money“Which is often very attractive to those who desperately need something.

However, a first sign that you should identify is that when you want to carry out a business activity, what you regularly expect is to be paid for your work and not have to pay money to have access to certain supposed privileges or tools.

Of course, there are some exceptions such as courses, trainings or consultancies that are usually that, resources to learn an activity and that of course have a value and this is clearly specified in the product description.

The theme of “earn money with surveys“It has a lot of this, especially if they ask you for money to enter the so-called” system “in the first place. You have to pay an amount to have the right to work and to start earning by answering surveys, but once you make the payment, the Communication is interrupted and that is when you realize that this business never really existed.

This is the first sign that something is not normal, at least within a legitimate business system.

In other cases, they ask you for a small payment to start working, which is usually about $ 5. What you don’t know is that in most cases they don’t clearly explain that this is for you to “test” the system for 7 days because after that they will charge your account with an additional $ 50 or $ 75 (without notice).

The risk of phishing

Another mechanism they often use when scammers offer you “survey money” is phishing. In this case, the scam consists of the falsification of a legitimate page by another identical but false one, that is to say a clone.

This fake page regularly looks identical to a real site to inspire trust but aims to capture sensitive personal data from the person, such as an email password or even more dangerous, their credit card data and then use them for other fraudulent activities .

See also: 5 Ways to Keep Your Business Safe from Cyber ​​Attacks

How to identify a real opportunity

  • Serious companies don’t use unreliable pages
  • They do not offer you that you will become a millionaire
  • They do not sell you the idea that you will get rich from one day to the next
  • They will never ask you for money to start working on something
  • They must have clear testimonials of the activity
  • They must have visible references from people rating the company

Other forms of this scam

Other variants of this type of fraud are related to reading emails, viewing advertising, uploading photos, evaluating medical records, issuing an opinion on products, doing handicrafts, etc. All with a similar way of capturing their victims.


It is worth mentioning that the business of earn money with surveys It exists as a legitimate activity to generate income from home, which seeks to obtain online market studies in a practical way, however due to the fragility of the concept, it was quickly distorted giving way to all these malicious people who try to steal and deceive others, with the consequent need to learn, be alert and protect themselves.

Remember this: a multinational, serious and prestigious company that requires a market study with surveys, will never write you an anonymous email or use an unreliable page to hire you and obtain such information.

If you asked me which company is reliable for earn money with surveys There are many, but it requires research and time to learn. So now you know, don’t fall into the trap.

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