Start an Elements Massage® Franchise

Be a part of making life better with one of the fastest growing therapeutic massage franchises in the country!

The Elements Massage brand has a proven track record of continued success: the brand had double-digit sales in the same store for the past decade and has grown to 250 units.

The time has come for future franchisees to join the Elements massage system and expand into a lucrative industry.

Why own an element massage?

Profitability due to an ever increasing demand for massage and recurring revenue from a membership model

The American Massage Therapy Association The 2018 results show the $ 16 billion wellness industry is expected to grow an average of 4% per year through 2022. Elements’ laser-focused approach is therefore ideally suited to the demand and economic reach of a deepening segment in an important industry.

Meet the growing demand

While massage services benefit all ages and populations, an increased focus on health and wellness by the country’s most important demographic, the millennial consumer, has resulted in a growing demand for the benefits of massage therapy.

Purchasing power for this population group is increasing: by 2020, millennial consumers are expected to have a combined purchasing power of $ 1.4 trillion per year and account for 30 percent of total retail sales.


Unlike other companies in the massage space, the brand doesn’t offer facials or any other services beyond massage therapy. The Elements Way allows the focus to deliver the most effective, personalized massage.

This consumer-curated experience is a critical driver for Millennials, who expect increasingly customizable, high-quality offerings.

Not only is Elements optimally positioned to meet millennial demand, the brand’s client-therapist alliance – the Elements Way® – meets guests where they want to be met.

A technology-resistant and simple model

As e-commerce juggernauts like Amazon continue to transform the landscape in various industries, entrepreneurs looking for longevity must turn to brands that are inherently resistant to the well-documented “Amazon effect”.

The services offered by Elements Massage are technically stable and cannot be replaced by automated systems. This leads to an Amazon-resistant model that franchisees can reliably advance.

But why use Elements Massage instead of a competitor?

Because unlike others, the brand continues to focus on massage therapies, and the Elements studios maximize volume on a studio space of 1,300 to 2,000 square feet.

That means franchisees won’t be overwhelmed by complex hiring and planning requirements, or navigating a larger footprint with higher overheads.

The simplicity of the Elements model is its greatest strength: All marketing fees flow into a one-service offer. Franchisees enjoy a lower level of investment and a smaller footprint.


Given the demand for massages, as well as the streamlined model and offering from Elements, the Elements Massage brand is well positioned for explosive growth.

Even better news: Elements prioritizes training and support for franchisees and provides several key resources to ensure franchisees succeed.

To prepare franchisees

Elements utilizes a business development team that franchisees can use to grow their location and that is always available to them.

The Support Center offers a variety of communication tools for franchisees, including webinars, newsletters, and video communications.

In addition, Elements franchisees have access to a system-wide intranet with numerous resources.

All of these factors taken together mean that Elements Massage is much more than just a rejuvenating treatment – it’s a great franchise opportunity.

To learn more about franchise opportunities with Elements Massage® …
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