The 7 Habits of Highly Negative People

They are everywhere, they are obnoxious, annoying and some even hateful. That’s right, I’m talking about those highly negative and toxic people that you often have to deal with every day.

It could be your coworker next door, it could be your boss, your best friend, or even someone you are familiar with. The negativism in truth that does not discriminate sex, religion, or profession.

It is very similar to a virus of those that sometimes is transmitted from person to person subtly until turning them into something like those zombies in the movies whose sole purpose is to make others also become zombies just like them.

Entrepreneurs in essence must rid ourselves of this evil. Being negative is too expensive a luxury that will get us nowhere. So so that you avoid at all costs becoming one of them, here you have them.

The 7 Habits of Highly Negative People

1. They complain all the time. Negative people always have a complaint about everything. Far from finding the good in things or people, they find defects and reasons to detract from their value. You will hear them constantly lamenting their surroundings. They complain about their job, their boss, their wife and even the teacher.

2. They constantly compare themselves to others. Comparison is a way of justifying what they consider to be their “miserable life.” There will always be someone who is “lucky” to have more than them or to have gotten better opportunities. Life does not smile at them in the same way. They are natural losers and successful people only make them act even more negative.

3. They speak without thinking. They tend to say what they think instead of thinking before what they say. They use the word “sincere” to announce the poison darts that their tongue throws to offend, hurt, and hurt other people. They tend to be unforgiving to highlight the flaws of those around them to the point of inventing slander and rumors. They like to be the center of attention and are capable of misrepresenting the truth just to be so.

4. They give up before they have tried. Nothing works for them. Any attempt to improve or build something will fail and they are adept at listing the many reasons why that “won’t work.” And of course, to avoid seeing themselves as losers, they will do whatever it takes to effectively reduce the chances of success.

5. They waste their life and time. Highly negative people have little appreciation for themselves and their peers. Hence, they dedicate much of their time to unproductive activities such as smoking, drinking alcohol, sleeping or watching television (even at work). And what to say about study or learning, that does not go with them!

6. They think that the whole world is against them. The negatives are specialists in disguising themselves as victims. They assure that there will always be someone to blame for their way of being and their current situation. They blame their parents, the government, blame everyone for not acknowledging any responsibility in their circumstances. Finding guilty is one of his specialties.

7. They only see problems, never solutions. You will never see a negative looking for solutions as their creativity has been seared over time. They know perfectly how to explain the problem and find the culprits but they will hardly contribute ideas, proposals or a hand to try to find a solution.

The Eighth Habit: They never listen to advice.
So is. Another of their “great” qualities is that they never pay attention or accept good advice. They are too proud and arrogant to allow someone to give them a suggestion or propose an alternative that brings them well-being. Accepting it would make them feel inferior so their ears will always be closed.

What to do with highly negative people?

Walking away or cutting off the relationship would be the best option but this is not so easy when that person is very close or someone with whom you live for many hours a day. For example, a fellow student could be. Your husband could be infected with the negativism virus and even one of your children too.

If you can’t get away from that person, the recommendation is to follow these steps:

  • Try to spend as little time as possible with her
  • Find an appropriate moment to let him see that his way of acting and expressing himself affects you
  • If he’s open to listening to you, suggest that he work on changing his mindset.
  • Suggest doing some other activities that make him feel better about himself as well.
  • If the case is extreme, help him seek professional care to improve his self-esteem

Do you know people who are highly negative? What if you share this article with them.

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