The important thing is not to participate, the important thing is to win!

In this blog we have always proclaimed that the most important thing is Winning. We believe in successful people, who try hard, who try, who fight tirelessly.

We believe in the men and women who are out there building a dream and we constantly remind them that it is worth moving forward because they can achieve it.

Of course we also know that failing every now and then is just part of the process that makes you stronger, bigger, more successful. So we don’t see failure as something terrible and tragic to overcome. “psychologically“On the contrary, we encourage our followers to see failure as such, as one more step on that ladder that brings you closer to your goal.

That’s 1000 business ideas!

Many people tell us sometimes that it is not easy and that we should not motivate people so much because not everyone can be an entrepreneur. That we should be more selective instead of making them believe that they can do it. And my answer is always the same: “If I have been able to achieve it, with the limitations of knowledge and insecurities that as a human being I have had, anyone can achieve it!”

The important thing is to win!

We have seen with pleasure many entrepreneurs who, thanks to a word of encouragement, have dared to try. We have heard of others who have opened their businesses successfully and many others who have breathed again and have regained the strength to continue fighting for their dream.

And that is what fills us with satisfaction. Maybe we don’t know you who are there behind a counter, at your desk, or in a lonely office in some corner of the world. We probably only have a slight contact through the blog. But of one thing you can be sure. We are many entrepreneurs in all parts of the planet who share dreams, desires, goals and above all want to say that we tried and we succeeded, even against all odds.

So today is a good day to remind yourself that you are here to win. Participating is for losers, but we go with everything. We are that kind of strange people who don’t settle, who don’t give up, who come back over and over and over again until they achieve their goals.

Don’t tell your children that the important thing is just “participate.” Don’t teach them to conform. Don’t let them settle into the idea that having participated is enough. That makes us losers. Teach your children to win, to strive and to give their best.

We are, we are winners, we are entrepreneurs.

20Blogs Awards

By the way, we are participating in the . awards as the best business and economics blog. Would you support us with your vote? It is very easy and will only take a few seconds:

1. You go to the contest site and create a user.
2. You look for blogs in the category of “Economics Blogs

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