25 Powerful Motivational Quotes For Successful Salespeople

A successful salesperson is someone who does not conform, who does not settle, who breaks all the schemes, who goes beyond expectations and therefore achieves extraordinary results.

This class of salesmen feed on greatness and do not admit losing thoughts. Its key is in the mentality, in your habits and in understanding sales in a different way.

That is why I have brought together some of the most powerful ideas and concepts from some of the most recognized Sales Coaches that I share with you below.

And since it is also one of my specialties, I decided to include some of my own keys to success in sales, and that I summarize in these:

25 Motivational Phrases For Successful Sellers

Juan Diego Gomez

You will never get great by avoiding what makes you uncomfortable.

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Jurgen Klaric

Ambition is the engine of entrepreneurs, successful people and those who have come far in life.

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The tactic of insisting to death no longer works today. Nobody wants you to sell them, but to help them.

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Zig Ziglar

People continually say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, not a bathroom either. That is why I recommend doing both every day.

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If people like you, they will listen to you, but if they trust you, they will do business with you.

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David gomez

Customers do not buy from the best, but from the one they believe is the best (whether it is true or not)

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Acquiring a customer is too much of an effort so that they only buy once.

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Cris Urzúa

Adding value is even more important than persuasion because it is the direct path to building trust.

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Make your energy inspire people, that your offer is irresistible and the closings will become simple.

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The customer does not buy when you are ready to sell … The customer buys when he is ready to buy and it is your responsibility to remain present in his life.

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Seth godin

People don’t buy goods and services. They buy relationships, stories, and magic.

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The human being needs a map by nature. So if you dare to draw one, people will follow.

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Alex Dey

You are what you are and you are where you are, because of what you have put in your mind.

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Talk, walk and conduct yourself as the person you want to be, until you are …

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Men are not made from easy victories, but from great defeats.

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Grant Cardone

Salespeople move the economy of every country. The world would stop spinning without salespeople.

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Give yourself unreservedly to your customers, pamper them and exceed expectations.

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Yudis lonzoy

I never dream of success, I work to achieve it.

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Money does not bring happiness. Happiness gives money.

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Get angry enough with your current situation for that hatred to drive you to action.

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Edwin amaya

One of the qualities of successful salespeople is their unique ability to overcome and handle frustration.

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Economic problems are solved by SELLING.

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In a world saturated with information, if you do not differ then you are just one more.

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Joe Girard

I don’t use pressure techniques with my clients, because they don’t work.

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The key word is preparation.

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Now tell me what has been your favorite motivational phrase?

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