Sell ​​Much More: Joe Girard’s Law of 250

Sell ​​Much More: Joe Girard's Law of 250

Joe Girard is recognized as the largest salesman in the world and it is no wonder he managed to sell more than 13,000 cars in his 14-year career as a professional sales consultant.

While some of his peers were selling 4-6 cars a month, he could be closing 3-5 sales a day.

Understanding what Joe’s secret was is not easy as there was no single, specific strategy that defined his success. And in fact sales are like this. You cannot see the sales process as a simple formula of A + B = C

On the contrary, for those of us who have experience in the exciting art of selling, we know that closing a good deal is a very complex process that requires great skill in terms of handling the client, the product, the language and, of course, the perceptions.

An incorrect perception could completely bring down a negotiation. Hence, the sale cannot be summarized in a single formula but must be understood as the ability to masterfully handle different factors.

There are entire books written about Joe Girard that seek to understand how he achieved such extraordinary results. To date, there are many elementary principles of the sale and management of the human mind that are hidden in their actions that are truly fascinating.

One of them is Joe Girard’s law of 250 that I share with you here.

Joe Girard’s Law of 250

Joe recounted that during his attendance at a couple of funerals he had observed the large number of people who came to see someone off on their last day. His observation led him to develop a simple but powerful strategy.

I conclude that every person in the world knows at least 250 people with whom they have some kind of relationship level.

With which he deduced that if you can attend and serve a single person well and manage to structure a good strategy to stay current in his mind, this person could be an inexhaustible source of business referring to many of his acquaintances.

Joe Girard I managed to understand this perfectly and that is why he made sure to have a very organized database of contacts whom he used to call with some regularity with the sole objective of saying hello and knowing how they were doing with the car they had purchased.

He was always ready to help them with any problem they had with their vehicle until they were happy and satisfied with their service.

He claimed to love his customers and would do everything to make them happy with their purchase and of course refer him to someone who wanted to buy a vehicle.

Joe’s clients received a greeting card on their birthday as well as on New Years. Personally handwritten card with a message like “I like you!“.

This might seem a bit dated especially in the age of social media. But I think the principle is totally valid today.

Although form and channels may have changed the essence of dealing with people, it is still a powerful and valuable strategy.

The problem with many sales consultants in fact is that they forget about their customers too quickly.

It seems that today customers are only interested while investing or while they intend to purchase but not afterwards.

And that’s possibly the main difference between the sellers that I call “ordinary“and the sellers”extra-ordinary“.

The customer is still king and this is more relevant than ever. If you want to achieve extraordinary results, you need to value your customers and provide them with an unforgettable shopping experience.

Whether you dedicate yourself to sales as a professional advisor or you are an entrepreneur eager to grow, I am sure this principle will make a difference in your pocket in the long term.

Would you like to obtain incredible results in your sales?
Download my digital book (here) and become a real sales star.

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