Become a Virtual Assistant and Generate Income From Home

Become a Virtual Assistant and Generate Income From Home

For weeks I have been analyzing a learning tool for people who want to work as virtual assistants providing services from home.

And after discovering some extremely interesting characteristics of it, I have decided to prepare this guide.

Here I will tell you everything you need to know to consider this entrepreneurship option that will allow you to generate an extra income from anywhere in the world where you are.

Finding a freelance job online is something more and more frequent and easier than you imagine. The reason so many people don’t make it is because they lack the knowledge to find the opportunities and the preparation to perform them.

Every day more companies in the world require virtual assistants

The need for independence makes telecommuting more attractive every day for self-employed professionals as small and medium-sized companies are constantly looking to minimize their costs by reducing their payroll.

In that sense, the function of virtual assistant it has practically become an industry that acquires more and more demand and more value every day.

The best assistants they can be very well paid because they can in fact serve several companies at the same time and their success depends on the efficiency and quality of the work they do.

However, I anticipate you, jobs as virtual assistants require that you have at least a few free hours a day to be able to meet the requirements and have a good Internet connection.

This makes it an interesting entrepreneurial model to earn good money for the following 3 reasons:

  • It is an enterprise that you can operate from your home
  • You can develop it part time
  • It requires an investment of resources that you already have

If you want to discover how to get started as a virtual assistant using Attenddemy and connect with the best companies to work for, then read on.

What is the concept of Virtual Assistant?

It basically refers to a person who works as an independent contractor and performs secretarial, administrative and technical functions.

A virtual assistant [wikipedia] It is distinguished by its organizational skills and ease of structuring and communicating information.

His work modality consists in that he provides services in a virtual and independent way but he is not physically working on the company’s site, but he performs specific and specific tasks remotely from his home, reporting to a contact in the organization.

What tasks does a Virtual Assistant perform?

The regular functions that a virtual secretary and that do not require your presence in the office have to do with your field of specialization and are among others:

  • Administrative management
  • Customer surveys
  • Claims support
  • Write documents
  • Service payments
  • Schedule control
  • Document files
  • Inventory feeding for e-commerce
  • Telemarketing
  • Social media management
  • Send and reply to emails
  • Event organization
  • Sending and receiving correspondence
  • Translations (if you speak another language)

What resources are needed to provide the Virtual Assistance service?

Anyone who proposes it can work as a virtual assistant if they have basic administrative or secretarial knowledge or if they are professionally trained to be able to perform as such.

Speaking English is always a competitive advantage but not necessarily a limitation as not all companies require you to speak a second language.

Additionally, in order to function efficiently, you will need the following equipment:

  • Laptop and printer
  • Internet access
  • Desk and basic office supplies

How much does a Virtual Secretary charge?

Like all self-employed workers, fees can be quoted per hour or per task performed. If it is per hour, the rate usually varies depending on the number of hours contracted as well as the type of company and functions requested. The average, however, rounds between $ 5 and $ 15 an hour.

If it’s a deal, you’ll need to negotiate a price for the finished work. For example, a web design or feeding an inventory of products can be estimated based on the time it will take and give a general price.

In most cases, to be a virtual assistant it will be essential that you are registered as a small taxpayer or independent professional in the tax registry to be able to issue an invoice for your services, which will be a requirement of the company that hires you to be able to account for your services. This is a very simple procedure to carry out in most cities.

Asistademy Prepares You To Start As A Virtual Assistant

Many are the people who are contacted every day by companies looking for virtual assistants, so if you think this may be a good business option for you, then you should take the first steps to prepare:

  1. Get trained in everything related to the profession. Asistademy is one of the best known and most complete courses that will train you to start as soon as possible.
  2. You will learn how to prepare a presentation of the services you want to offer and how to focus on those in which you have more experience.
  3. You will discover how to find and identify the type of companies to which you would like to direct your services and how to make an initial contact.
  4. You will learn how to be successful when visiting a company and how to contact an executive or human resources staff so that they know your services.
  5. You will learn how to organize your time and resources to be a successful virtual assistant and generate more income.

Promote and Sell your Services

An extremely important final point is having the ability to sell your services to companies. You should focus on your most important qualities such as: accuracy, professionalism, punctuality and trust, which are the ones that your clients will expect the most.

If you don’t have a lot of sales experience, don’t worry, you can follow these sales tips for non-salespeople to help you get started.

In addition, you can promote your services through blogs or social networks which will help you get the necessary contacts to attract more customers.

Remember that it is good to have few clients but well served than wanting to cover too much at the cost of sacrificing the quality of your services.

Still can’t decide?

  • Always value your personal brand by training yourself, continually improving and learning everything you can about the business of the clients you serve.
  • If the investment to acquire Asistademy stops you, take into consideration that when you contact your first client and start earning, you will think that this investment has been worth it.
  • And if that were not enough, the course has a 100% guarantee for up to 30 days. If it does not meet your expectations, you simply cancel it and they will refund your money.

So take your first step. Take the Asistademy course and start your new business today.

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