How to prevent slips and falls in the workplace?

How to prevent slips and falls in the workplace?

According to US Department of Labor and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), travel, slippage and falls account for the majority of accidents occurring in general industry. In fact, they account for 15% of accidents, making these types of accidents second only to road traffic accidents. Well, slipping, rollover, and falling can happen for a variety of reasons, from loss of grip between your shoe and the floor, contact with a stationary object, etc. However, most of these incidents can be prevented with a few simple precautions and precautions.

With that said, here are some tips to prevent travel, slippage, and falls in the workplace.

Practice good housekeeping practices

You might want to plan ahead and know what needs to be done and who is responsible for what in specific regions. You will need to assign roles and create a program that uses good housekeeping practices.

Using and maintaining perfect lighting

Poor lighting in work areas can be a serious hazard, especially in construction areas, dock areas, walkways, stairs, corridors, ramps, and basements. Make sure all of these areas in your work area are properly lit and that light switches are clear and easily accessible. Also make sure that switches, cords and fixtures are repaired immediately when they stop working.

Wear the right shoes

The shoes you wear play a huge role in preventing slipping and falling. You need to make sure that everyone in the workplace has the right footwear for their task.

Reduction of slippery or wet areas

Traction control is something you should use in your workplace. Slippery floors are one of the leading causes of slips and falls in the workplace and can lead to serious injury or even death. So, make sure traction control practice is followed at all times.

These tips should help minimize or prevent the occurrence of slips, trips and falls in the workplace.

If a fall occurs, contact the legal experts at .

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