Start an AMH Enterprises franchise

Make the government work for you!

Build a government resale business with AMH companies

If you’re tired of letting someone else control your income, own your government sales business with this government resale opportunity.

AMH Enterprises provides a comprehensive system of business and sales training and support to all franchise owners and teaches people how to run a successful business.


In April 2002, a new concept was developed on how to create a sales business to the US federal government. The concept was to be able to run your business from anywhere you have an internet connection.

With a computer, a phone, a simple accounting system and the skills to communicate over the phone a person would have the ability to tap into the world of government resale.

What is government resale?

It is to take any request for a product from the federal government agency and find that product for them.

Once you find that product, you mark up the price of that product and resell it to them.

It sounds so simple that you would think anyone could be successful in this type of business, but the truth is that 90% of people fail.

Why do they fail? Lack of training and know-how.


Tired of letting someone else or the faltering economy control your income? It seems the only money spent is the federal government.

The budget for parts and spares for the military branches seems to be increasing every year as you and I try to get by on less and less.


It’s not even just the military! All 50 states and local cities and counties have auctioned products and services.

The fact is that the government and government entities like cities and counties buy things, all kinds of things. In most cases, the lowest bidder wins the contract to provide the goods or services. You can have your business selling parts and services from your computer.

The benefits of being an AMH Enterprises affiliate include:

We provide a complete system of business and sales training and support for our affiliates! We teach you how to run a successful business.

We train on how to interact with government buyers, how to spot opportunities, where, how to find unusual items that the government typically buys, and how to negotiate in different buying situations.


As an AMH affiliate you will learn how to engage government buyers, spot opportunities, find unusual items that the government buys, and how to negotiate purchases.

  • Minimal overload
  • No inventory to keep
  • Check your income
  • Unnecessary experience
  • Conducting business wherever there is an Internet connection
  • Work from home

AMH Enterprises is looking for candidates for expansion.

All guess work on how to succeed has been eliminated. AMH has an effective and efficient training program to ensure affiliate success.

At AMH we are committed to creating a win-win environment for all of our affiliates. All you need to have is the desire to change your current situation and the capital to start your new business.


Run a home sourcing and reselling business, primarily to meet the needs of government agencies and large commercial organizations.

Learn more about government resale and inquire today!

Are you ready to take responsibility for your future and own your own government resale business?

Request the information below now to learn more about amh businesses and contact us today!

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